Sticky Feedback

Using a digital whiteboard to gather qualitative data in a fast and easy way.

Why should we do this exercise?

Throughout the interviews you will be constantly capturing hearing useful insights, it's easy to lose that valuable information if you don't have a good way to keep it. Gathering that feedback in a visual way against the interface of the prototype is helpful for comparing notes, and the color-coding helps form heat maps of feedback.


In a digital whiteboard:

  • Upload images of every screen in the prototype.
  • Assign each tester a color of sticky note, and a color for ideas and questions.
  • During the interviews as the team to write down anything you think was important.
    • Capture exact words but paraphrasing is okay.
    • Capture exact quotes from users when possible.
    • Capture significant non-verbal reactions, like a very long pause before an answer.
    • If you have a feature idea, question or insight beyond what the participant said, mark it in your notes as such.

Consider combining this approach with a Scorecard.